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isithran reshared this.

coming soon: Intel 64 and IA-32 Reference Manual, the anime.
in reply to awawawawastrid polprog reshared this.

"senpai! why isn't VCVTNEPS2BF16 working?"
"it's very easy, just consult this table"

Coucou @MilkyWan - AS2027 est-ce que vous avez des retours en terme d'expérience et d'accidentologie en ZTD sur le secteur de St Etienne, Loire? Disons que les bruits sur le basculement des abonnés en CGNat chez Orange motivent à chercher mieux :)
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to isithran

4 abonnés dans la Loire et rien à signaler ;-)

isithran reshared this.

Fox chirality!

Do foxes obey Bose-Einstein statistics, in which case their spin quantum numbers would be +1 and -1, or do they obey Fermi-Dirac Statistics, +1/2 and -1/2?

If the latter, it is possible that the fox is a Majorana fermion, in which case a fox of the opposite spin would be its antiparticle.

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isithran reshared this.

HKDF is commonly used to derive key material just in time for its application. However, as a cryptography tool, HKDF is severely under documented and lacks prescriptive examples for intended use.

A large-tech blog shared their HKDF application and I identify several issues with its implementation. Inside is an anonymized version with critiques and improvements.

Tags: #cryptography #hkdf #blog #engineering #security

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isithran reshared this.

How extremely convenient that IBM Research found a colorblind friendly color palette that includes roughly the colors of the bi pride flag :sparkles_bi:

#Design #Accessibility
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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isithran reshared this.

Les patterns de mon générateur de mire [1] sont des fichiers SVG faits à la main. N'hésitez pas à me donner votre avis. 😌​


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isithran reshared this.


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f4ivy reshared this.

Petite astuce si vous souhaitez faire basculer votre TIC en mode standard sur votre compteur Linky en étant client.e EDF:

Contacter le 09 69 32 15 15 puis choix 1, 2 puis 4.
Si le conseiller ne connait pas la procédure, dites lui de faire une F185 sur le site SGE en choisissant le mode standard. Préciser que la procédure a été confirmée précédemment avec le groupe TD.

Appeler de préférence en période creuse (temps de midi par ex). Normalement, le changement devrait être effectif la nuit suivante.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Emmanuel Caillé

@Emmanuel Caillé la puissance réactive est indiquée pour les contrats <= 36kVA avec l'option production, d'après ce que j'ai pu lire. Ça ne remonte pas d'après zigbee2mqtt, en tout cas.
in reply to isithran

ha, j'ai pas d'option production.
Au passage, c'est plutôt bien documenté chez Enedis :

isithran reshared this.

New blog post where I show a silly way to utilize Intel's AMX AI/Machine-Learning matrix-instructions to get the average color of an image.

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Pew Pew Lasers (Final episode?)
18J/cm², 3ms, ø15mm
We definitely caught more hair this time. I've got an appointment in 5 weeks, that might be delayed or canceled if everything goes according to plan 💜

isithran reshared this.

A DICOM image.

DICOM is the medical image format, very TIFF-like.
Its preamble makes many polyglots possible, including TIFF-DICOM sharing the same image data.
It doesn't tolerate appended data - but just append a "private" tag if needed.

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isithran reshared this.

Every company saying that their data is encrypted at rest with "strong encryption" is saying nothing. It's a free, effortless and shameless statement to boost the org's false security posture to the untrained masses. It's even worse when they say it to justify that their security was sufficient after a breach.

Encrypted data at rest just means they use the cloud. It's standard cloud practise. They give it basically for free at a button toggle. "Using military grade encryption" yes I know it's AES. That shouldn't make you feel any safer. Optus even said their unauthenticated API was protected by double layers of encryption! (TLS in transit and AES at rest!). That meant nothing, and did nothing to protect their breach. Why?

Because the threat models that encryption at rest protects against is someone walking into some data center and grabbing hard drives. And no one does that. Every piece of encrypted information stored by your business is constantly decrypted at some point for use - especially customer and production data. Any attacker who compromises your employees with access to cloud resources, or an application/system with access to those cloud resources will have credentials and permission to decrypt the data. Because at the end of the day encrypted data is just as useless to you as it is to the attacker.

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in reply to h4sh

when we, 1Password, talk about our layers of encryption we don’t even mention the encryption that comes free with AWS. What matters is data encrypted with available only to our users.
in reply to Jeffrey Goldberg

yea no, I get that, and SRP is not in the typical encryption bullshit list that I meant. 1password being a password manager obviously needs to have its encryption described on the tin, in technical detail, which it does quite well.
in reply to h4sh Soatok Dreamseeker reshared this.

@h4sh, thank you. I wasn't taking your post as being about us. I, too, get very irritated when services call "encryption at rest" is a defense against an exceedingly narrow threat. (Someone walks away with the hard drives.)

I get even more irritated when auditors and the like conflate that with what we do.
in reply to h4sh Soatok Dreamseeker reshared this.

@WPalant this is how I feel about podcasters saying server side AES on S3 will solve public bucket leaks

- "How obscure are your musical tastes?"
- "Well, today I found out I've got a full shelf of CDs the national library in charge of the mandatory deposit in my country does not even have in its database, which lead me to read back the law to ensure I wasn't liable to a hefty fine."
in reply to lomn

Hum, that's not really an incitation to share...
in reply to isithran

tbf I share 99% of my library being online daily. But I still keep a few exclusive recordings which I know are either very rare to come by or shit I recorded from livesets from when I used to work as a sound engineer.

The rare records no one would actually be interested in, the live sets could easily be tied to me if they happend to leak on yt or something.

Blasting Cbat with the home theater rig made the periodic bed noises from upstairs that have been going on for more than an hour stop straight away.

I think the message has been received... 😈

isithran reshared this.

Note this is a choice some IT person made years ago and nobody realizes is optional, or something is actually broken and people just got used to it. Re-Auth could be entirely seamless if they wanted, or only enforced for certain apps. This is not intrinsic.

Something I see a lot is people accepting bad IT experiences as mandatory. Like this is life, get on with it. But this isn't remotely true.
It's a choice, sometimes just not a choice an organization realizes it has. I have to be the person calling bullshit on stuff because I know. Because I understand what's normal outside the org, or I have literally done their job before as an IT Generalist.

The business malaise in accepting deteriorated user experiences is frankly shocking.
You're being led like a dog by people who aren't being challenged to do better. Who often are not stupid and can do better, but have no mandate to venture it.

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Honestly, one good thing for 2023 would be to set back up a blog, importing my old articles, doing old links management and posting at least once per month.

isithran reshared this.

can't wait for 2050s ham radio repeaters where instead of old guys talking about the wife or whatever diseases they have, there's a bunch of trans girls complaining about drama in their polycule

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A lot happened in 2022 (in a good sense as far as I'm concerned). A few rough times, but I got to make things moving 💜. Let's make 2023 even better ✨

Happy new year, and all the best to all of you 🎇
Unknown parent

Thanks, all the best to you too.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

isithran reshared this.

Ah ! À partir de demain un 02 ne sera plus forcément un 02 #téléphone #arcep

« A partir du 1er janvier 2023, les contraintes géographiques des numéros 01 à 05 s’assouplissent. Concrètement, il sera possible de conserver son numéro de téléphone fixe, notamment en cas de déménagement, dans une autre zone géographique de France métropolitaine. »

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TIL that friendica support CWs through ActivityPub, but hat not yet implemented support for posting with them

isithran reshared this.

A very interesting take on the universe as seen from the perspective of the 2m amateur radio band by the #LOFAR radio telescope.


V-LoTSS, The Circularly-Polarised #LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: ->


isithran reshared this.

Unknown parent

Scott Tilley
@doctroid It changes constantly, but the later will give you a sense of the theme.

I was unable to pull the data wire, since the duct was obstructed, so I went the wireless way. Next step: attempting to switch telemetry from legacy to standard format.
in reply to isithran

j'avais évité ce truc car zéro intégration avec home-assistant et pas envie de bricoler... dommage ça semblais quand meme intéressant. enfin, 50€ pour ça ça reste quand même du vol.

isithran reshared this.

it's @spacegirl video day!

isithran reshared this.

Unknown parent

isithran reshared this.

I think I found my next antenna. Need to find the real estate agent that has this listing!

isithran reshared this.

isithran reshared this.

In 1959, the IBM 1401 computer was built from boards called SMS cards. A single board might hold just 3 logic gates so the computer needed thousands of boards. Silicon transistors weren't popular yet, so they used germanium transistors. Source: #history #computing

isithran reshared this.

isithran reshared this.

I present a no-context slide from my !!Con talk this November

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Pew pew lasers (7/*)
Slowly getting there (15J/cm², 3ms, ø 15mm). Some persistent spots, but significantly less tingly despite the 15% power increase.

isithran reshared this.

We have to deromanticize community. It's not some pristine untouched forest of soft moss and good vibes. The corporations count on that misconception to stripmine us for content.

Community has always been as weird and messy as humans are. It's work. It's relationships. It's hard. There isn't a magic number. They aren't inherently anticommercial. They don't all look or act the same.

That's one of the reasons I wrote this and am driven to write more:

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isithran reshared this.

I slept very poorly last night due to the news that Musk gave privileged / possibly PII & DM level access of Twitter mod access to a variety of strident anti-LGBTQ (especially anti-trans) bigots who masquerade as journalists. This is an incident which would require user notification under California law, if it weren’t for the platform owner granting it. It still might be a violation of privacy laws. It’s absolutely a disaster for all LGBTQ people who used Twitter.

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isithran reshared this.

Content warning: News article on trans legislation in Scotland

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Got recognized in the street by somebody I either don't know or don't remembered 💀💀 0/10 won't recommend the associated feelings.
I wonder how famous people cope with this.