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f4ivy reshared this.

Rewrote my DExtra / D-Star dissector, I'm able to read DV Slow data packets, DV Fast Data should come quickly once I'm laying my paws on a pcap trace to validate a few assumptions. Payload reassembly, superframe-wise, is being written.

loic_fejoz reshared this.

1 bug report and 1 feature request submitted to Wireshark devs, so that AX.25 dissection gets better 🐱

FBB Dissector for Wireshark: here you go, code qualification has not been completed, I need to continue bug hunting (some additional traces needed).

TCP reassembly is now correctly handled, time to write the LZHUF extraction routine (don't wanna T_T)

Finally took another take to implementing the FBB protocol dissector. The command interpreter is almost finished.
The last obstacle is to implement LZHUF decompression in LUA to decode payloads.

isithran reshared this.

De moins en moins d'écrans CRT fonctionnent et c'est normal, les composants s'usent notamment les condensateurs. Beaucoup d'écrans ont été jetés et ça devient de plus en plus rare d'en trouver alors si possible ne les jetez pas, vendez-les ou donnez-les pour pièces. :blob_cat_heart:

(ceci était un message du Comité de Restauration des Tubes)

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isithran reshared this.

A good opportunity to remind you to check your:


Unless you are on a train, in which case, do it later.

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"Firing the Lorentz Plasma Cannon"

isithran reshared this.

12-bit rainbow palette by @kate :

#color #design #freeContent

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isithran reshared this.

Add passkeys to the list of things that didn't advance as much in 2024 as we thought they might. That's because some companies are still making the process complicated.

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isithran reshared this.

A blockchain. That's all, that's the post.

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isithran reshared this.

These cancer cells have destroyed so many retro computers. It's extremely sad. And if you have an old computer around from the 386 or 486 era, I suggest you check and remove that thing ASAP #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing

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isithran reshared this.

Is an IRC channel about electronics a jRC channel? a jωRC channel?

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Funny JS hack (not yet in production, but soon to be): you can detect a slow internet link using readyStateChange events to offer a lighter web page :3
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

isithran reshared this.

Tech is political.

You encode your values, your attitude and your bias into the code.

The tech you create can give you legitimacy. It can give you influence. Get rich enough (or start out rich enough) you get doors opened to you.

It's all power.

We can see what some people in tech do with that power.

We can however choose to not contribute to that enablement.

You're in FOSS you've made some sacrifices.

What's a little more?

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Happy new year to y'all 🎆

Jan 1 11:35:18 CET: %SOCL_MASK-4-HWPROGERR: Hardware mask module failure - spoons pool exhausted

isithran reshared this.

This article is very uncomfortable to read.

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in reply to Jess👾 F4GRX Sébastien reshared this.

By that time we were able to stop using the 1, but it was still "local long distance" for a few years after that, at least. I have no idea when the area started requiring 10 digit dialing because I had stopped using a land line by early 2007.

I can't talk about phone switching without sharing the "Speedy Cutover Service" video from the 80s.

Yearly UPS battery deep test
7 years-old VRLA batteries
7% load
100->10% in 51 minutes
Nominal operation runtime is above 5 hours for that load, 8+ with shedding.

Time to order new batteries, lol.

isithran reshared this.

New make !

Laser engraved slate coasters with famous CPU markings...

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in reply to vince120

@f4grx And here the 11 ones I made for me :)

(now waiting for blank ones to be delivered)

Altera Cyclone V
AMD Ryzen

in reply to vince120

@f4grx I will make some burning this week. I can "take orders" if some of you wants. Lets say I can book a total of 10 blank slate coasters for mastodon people.

I need a picture B&W (or vectorized) for ~9x9cm (the tile is 10x10cm but the hammered edges prevents nice result)

I propose 4€ each (without postage cost, to be added depending where you live).

First come, first served.

in reply to vince120


AAAAAAHHHHHRRRRRGGGGGG ! je viens de découvrir....
C'est génialement geek, bravo !

Et dire que j'ai un laser que je n'exploite qu'un jour par mois...

je vais vous copier sans vergogne !

in reply to vince120

faudrait envoyer un 74F00N a la personne concernée ^^
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

isithran reshared this.

Name change request submitted today ✨🎀✨

isithran reshared this.

Coding is being positioned as place where generative AI is going to have a huge impact.

But a new study of 800 developers found GitHub Copilot did little to improve productivity, while introducing 41% more bugs into the code.

#tech #ai #genai #coding

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isithran reshared this.

Alan Turing didn't have our modern boolean circuit notations, so he described circuits by the minimum number of high input lines required to trigger an output. You can almost see it as a neural net rather than logical gates, except when the ≢ sign appears for XOR. The lines with zeroes written over the node outlines are inhibitors.

The semicircles are delays measured in bits, which (as this was a serial machine) can achieve all sorts of shifting and rotation operations. The rectangles are delay lines (mercury tanks designed by Tommy Flowers at the Post Office research centre in Dollis Hill), and the number inside indicates the number of bits cycling around (although in some pages it's the number of 32-bit words, confusingly). Smaller delay lines could buffer a word for combination in a future operation.

The image here is a page from The Logical Design of the Pilot Model ACE, by J.H. Wilkinson,Sept 1951. #RetroComputing #VintageComputing #Turing #PilotACE

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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isithran reshared this.

So, TCP/IP at 1200 baud and 128 MTU is a thing I have now experienced. I'm downloading a 37K file at 70 bytes per second ...
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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in reply to Gord

@grs cause this was the speed it actually ran at back at the day.

(also, until very recently, there was legal limits on how fast I could transmit data over amateur radio in the US)


Hamnet news:

New 35 mile link and repeater brought up on the regional network thanks to involved parties.
I'm implementing dark mode on our dashboard so our users with browsers in their car can display the call log without being hindered by light in the night. A few nuts and bolts need to be adjusted with the map, but we're almost there.

isithran reshared this.

Working on a way to subdivide blog post content into a format that should comfortably translate into ActivityPub Notes.

Changing my content to run on an intermediary language last summer has allowed for so much flexibility in post-processing.

isithran reshared this.

in reply to Cendyne

cryptographically agile software

This is a brand new sentence I have ever heard.

in reply to Foxarc

@Foxarc in the PQC discussion, it is about switching key agreement and key signing (a lower priority) away from weaker cryptographic technologies (which today are computationally-hard, but in a post quantum world are no longer considered computationally-hard) in less than 10-20 years.

If you can call a software transition over 10 years agile..

It is also about making things easier to switch, should the newer tech introduced suddenly have weaknesses that were previously unknown, such as SIDH.

While at a high level it sounds like "great, I can just swap parts" as better ones come, the truth is that these PQC technologies have different protocol level requirements, storage and communication sizes, as well as computational overhead far different than what we have today, and change is fundamentally difficult to have backwards compatibility for.

isithran reshared this.

New rental car challenge just dropped:

isithran reshared this.

isithran reshared this.

Content warning: lewd, computer aided design software

in reply to Scarlet ❤️‍🔥

See, they wanted to call the DirectX -> Vulkan layer "IndirectX" but found out the term was already used for something else!

Specifically, for Indirect X Rendering over the GLX/Xorg pipeline using the LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 Mesa flag to use the older indirect OpenGL renderer for remote X connections

"We have IndirectX at home" :p

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

isithran reshared this.

ME: Hello computer! Please show me what I was doing recently

COMPUTER IN THE 1980's: l cease to exist when I am powered off. Please start whatever you were doing from scratch

COMPUTER IN THE 2000's: Yep here you go champ

COMPUTER IN THE 2020's: I stored 10,000 identical copies of what you were doing in 500 different global datacentres at a carbon footprint equivalent to leaving a semi-trailer idling 24/7 and also sent a copy to the FBI just to be safe. Let me know which one you want and I'll do my best to figure it out. By the way here are 10 things which are similar to what you were doing and 9 of them are ads. Do you like this? Please select "I love this very much" or "I'll be in love with this later" to continue

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isithran reshared this.

Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with your environments safety features and procedures.

- safety exit
- fire extinguisher, hose, alarm
- aed
- first aid kit
- intercom / communication devices
- isolators and emergency stops
- safety wardens
- union rep

isithran reshared this.

in reply to xssfox :blobhaj_hearttrans:

how is that list going to help, seriously what we should do to all the oil executives car companies politicians that is in this mess I can't say, they sold the future of humanity for money

Lynn Conway has passed away

isithran reshared this.

WE DID IT. My new zine “How Git Works" is out now!

You can get it here for $12:

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isithran reshared this.

Microsoft wants to lock your #DNS resolution to Microsoft-only and Microsoft-approved systems.

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in reply to Stéphane Bortzmeyer

> "By default, the firewall will deny resolutions to all domains except those enumerated in allow lists. A separate allow list will contain IP address subnets that clients need to run authorized software."

Is Microsoft trying to take the Internet back to Fidonet or straight back to CompuServe? 🙃

isithran reshared this.

She’s just like me fr fr (exception have no one to cuddle :neocat_cry: )

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