When you've got an intuition a dress you're ordering will look good on you, and it actually does.
✨ Euphoria time on the first try ✨
Quite the change from the "ordering clothes sucks" mood.
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"How I accidentally breached a nonexistent database and found every private key in a 'state-of-the-art' encrypted messenger"
Testing a new encrypted messaging app's extraordinary claims
How I accidentally breached a nonexistent database and found every private key in the Converso app.Crnković (crnkovic.dev)
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Hi all, small update because I've been quiet on this account: I'm alive and thriving, voice training has been quite productive in my native language. I'm not yet at a satisfactory result with English, but I'm working on it 💜
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in reply to xssfox :blobhaj_hearttrans:
for those that haven't seen Australia's warning systems the radioactive symbol is always used regardless of if its oil on the road, asbestos, or a truck tips over and releases 10,000 bunnies.
in reply to Cysio :verified_gay:
@me I'm not sure how the system works but most alerts I see are suburb, lga or some other area and not a series of roads. It certainly looks hand drawn
in reply to xssfox :blobhaj_hearttrans:
Why is that alert area so "precise"? Does that "danger" only exist at the close facility of exactly /that/ road?
in reply to BenBE
@benbe the capsule was lost along that road and they are looking for it. It's only really dangerous within 5m according to the reports
in reply to xssfox :blobhaj_hearttrans:
Can't wait for reports that they've been able to locate and recover 3 pellets.
in reply to Petra
@PetraOleum @fincham I'm disappointed that there are no ifixit guides for fixed radiation density gauges
in reply to xssfox :blobhaj_hearttrans:
Well, those bunnies sure would cause a cuteness core meltdown … Don't see the problem there. 

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d(^ ω ^)b
鈴木みのり 「ミュージカル」 MusicVideo
TVアニメ『シュガーアップル・フェアリーテイル』OPテーマ「ミュージカル」MusicVideoを公開!配信・ダウンロードはこちら▶https://jvcmusic.lnk.to/Musical[VIDEO]Director& Camera:水野那央貴(OKNACK)Light:洞口あい(Doing)Choreog...YouTube
10 months since I began HRT, 6 months since the end of prospective phase. Not yet passable, but my masked face just sent back feminine vibes. Euphoria is so sweet ✨💜💜💜✨
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2005, strolling on the web: "*enviously looking at an elvish style bracelet* Wow, that bracelet looks really fancy. That would make a nice present for a girl... 👀"
2022, remembering it : "Former self already had a nice sense of style... Wait, that shop is still online and selling that bracelet? Treat time! 💅✨"
2022, remembering it : "Former self already had a nice sense of style... Wait, that shop is still online and selling that bracelet? Treat time! 💅✨"
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Honestly, I hope twitter won't blow to smithereens, because I'm already missing a lot of artists and bots that are not (yet) on the fediverse. BTW, sorry if this accounts stays calm for the moment.
nyami likes this.
A Fluffy Tachyon
in reply to A Fluffy Tachyon • •xssfox :blobhaj_hearttrans: likes this.