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ちゃんと実際に使えるようにしてるのがポイント #過去作品紹介

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"Recently the security researchers at Midnight Blue in the Netherlands have discovered a collection of five vulnerabilities collectively called "TETRA:BURST" that apply to almost every TETRA network in the world. These two most critical vulnerabilities allow TETRA to be easily decrypted by consumer hardware." Hahaha oof

F4GRX Sébastien reshared this.

I'll wait for a while to see if that article is considered serious, but Europeans should prepare for a radical change if AMOC collapses as quickly as advertised. More than temperatures, my main concern is focused on the drastic reduction of rainfall amounts.

Aww, big mood 💜

Small tip if you're accessing Hamnet from a VPN, through an Internet Service Provider that does DNS64 and NAT64: put the following lines in /etc/gai.conf to prefer using IPv4 for Hamnet (you'll have connectivity issue otherwise).

precedence ::ffff: 100
precedence ::ffff: 100
precedence ::1/128 50
precedence ::/0 40
precedence 2002::/16 30
precedence ::/96 20
precedence 64:ff9b::/96 15
precedence ::ffff:0:0/96 10

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

isithran reshared this.

💭 if a team of hackers all stop working at once, is that a cobalt strike?

isithran reshared this.

isithran reshared this.

absolutely adoring this vibe by Swampskull :blobfoxcomfyhappy:


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isithran reshared this.

Random idea, possibly silly or redundant

The Fediverse has no algorithm. I like this about it. You see what's happening as it happens.

Downside: You can miss something you care about.

It would be cool if several independent folks would write regular "You May Have Missed" newsletters about cool posts; curated by users for other users.

This lets us find stuff even when we aren't active when it was being posted or boosted initially.

Does anyone else think this could be useful?

EDIT: To be clear, I explicitly want it to be an email.

Not a list. Not an existing Fediverse feature. A goddamn email.

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

isithran reshared this.

in reply to Soatok Dreamseeker

Could be a really neat community newsletter sort of thing. Small town newsletter that you pick up when you walk into the library or the foodway sorta vibe.

Bulletin C 66 just dropped, no leap second to be added or removed in December 2023.

Bulletin D 142 set DUT1 = 0.0 s as of June 28th, 2023.


TIL that multicast routing isn't (yet) VRF-aware on VyOS Sagitta.
Feature request tickets T5321~T5323 have been opened to cover the matter.

TIL that Mikrotik's RouterOS 7 doesn't support routing on /31 subnets.

Funny how collective amnesia apply regarding the existence of IP68-rated smartphones with user-replaceable battery (eg. Sony XP 10, Samsung Galaxy S5, as far as I can recall).

Jima :heart_bi: reshared this.

in reply to isithran

The S5 was IP67, if Wikipedia is to be believed. 🤔 Close enough!

It was the last Galaxy S-series I bought before jumping ship to Apple. The gasket on the back cover (for the battery/storage card/SIM compartment) was really neat!

I totally did not see the end of the removable battery/MicroSD coming after seeing that. 😑

in reply to isithran

I'd love a phone built like a NEMA 4X enclosure.

Basically two halves bolted together with actual screws, using standard heads, and an O-ring seal. Easy to open up, swap stuff, put back together.

isithran reshared this.

I think it's really funny that Apple's HQ is a literal walled garden

isithran reshared this.


il a été retrouvé. Un grand merci à vous tous <3
Finalement, juste attendre l'heure de son repas du soir aura suffit. J'avais peur car c'était sa première sortie.
Encore un très grand merci :blob_cat_heart:

mastodon, fait ta magie
mon chat s'est enfuie ce matin de chez mes parents (49300, cholet)
je vous mets des photos

il est gris, svelte, il a 2 ans et demi
il s'apelle Cacahuète mais perso je l'appelle Chaton

on peut me joindre par MP

boost appréciés


lien twitter pour plus de chance :

This entry was edited (10 months ago)

isithran reshared this.

Unknown parent


@Troupier oui 😅​

perso ça me rassure beaucoup car il n'étais jamais sorti avant

Unknown parent

@ioster et un de plus
@I O

isithran reshared this.

les boites de progestérone ce délire des années 90, le design "jazz" quand même (je viens de tomber sur cet article)
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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in reply to maya blab cat :blab_cat:

ptdr c’est comme si la disquette avait été placée là exprès pour dater la photo j’adore

In yesterday's news, I've sent a RFQ to an artist to commission my QSL card. Maybe one day on the bands again? 🐱

The only bad physical characteristic I've found with triple and quadruple layer Blu-ray discs is the inability to visually control if a disc has already been burnt or not.

isithran reshared this.

2022: what if you had to find an alternative to twitter
2023: what if you had to find an alternative to reddit, discord, youtube, every single search engine, and microsoft windows

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Wrote a little something to read Host & Drive Revocation Lists from a Media Key Block. Question is: should I waste time to validate records against the public key in the spec? :3

My blu-ray drive told me it's not friend with my HCert anymore.
Nevermind, I've been persuasive enough to get it to read actual data even if bus encryption is "required" :3c
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to isithran

Oh, and I was able to flash my drive in an USB enclosure, from a VM. It's not compatible with UHD, but not my main target ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This entry was edited (10 months ago)

isithran reshared this.

Intel branch predictors fully reverse-engineered:

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isithran reshared this.

A keynote by @b0rk at a developer conference about how the #DNS works. But it is not just about the DNS, it is also about how to approach a new and complicated technology. Very surprising. (And the demo is live!)

isithran reshared this.

isithran reshared this.

Content warning: block recommendation, csam

isithran reshared this.

Last week, the laying of submarine cable Natitua Sud has begun and should be completed with its landing in Tubuai on May 15th, should the weather be favorable.

isithran reshared this.

Fantastic reporting by @kimzetter here - a year long report into what went down with #Solarwinds.

I'd like to highlight this bit. Zero trust, my arse. Lots of new details in this report.

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

While investigating (and not finding) the Solarwinds incident in mid-2020, Mandiant installed Solarwinds and infected its own internal network.
in reply to Kevin Beaumont Éric Freyssinet reshared this.

The attackers were inside Solarwinds for 2 years before discovery.

New software release: LGlass, a multi-manufacturer looking glass written in PHP.

If you wish support for another system type/brand, please drop a feature request with the commands you wish to see implemented.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Central Repeater management web interface v0.1 released.

The remote repeater control agent will follow soon, I'm still adjusting some functions and the installer. Also the protocol specification needs to be completed and proofread.

#hamr #hamradio #svxlink #mqtt #remara

Short demo of our central repeater management utility.
Version 0.1 almost ready to ship.…

With the growth of the regional repeater network, fellow hams asked for an easy way to control their repeaters. Here is version 0.1 of that product, which is able to manage a list of repeaters, then to send various commands (ping, change room, disconnect repeater, enable or disable repeater logic, reboot the system).

Next version will be shipped with proper privilege separation, group ACL management, and a few refinements.

Key moments:
0:00 Repeater agent running on our test stub. Network has just been cut, to show that connectivity loss can be recovered.
0:33 Repeater agent recovering its connection to the control segment.
0:39 Connecting to the management interface
0:44 Browsing through the repeater list.
0:49 Showing the repeater properties editor
1:05 Ping demo with our test laptop which is connected with user 'f4hof-s'. The UI shows a notification toast to confirm the "repeater" has acknowledged our command.
1:19 Changing conference room
1:34 Rebooting the remote system. Command hasn't been acked because the system rebooted too quickly. This will be fixed in the initial release. Please notice that the notification toast shows a warning as the command hasn't been confirmed.

Coming soon: remote control of analog repeaters through #Hamnet. cc @[url=]Fr0de[/url] F4EED/KI7QQP
Control plane uses MQTT, either in fire and forget mode, or with reliable delivery and explicit command acknowledgement. #hamr #hamradio
SVXReflector log trace showing the controlled repeater leaving and connecting back, due to multiple "change module" commands being sent.

Sender debug trace showing the command being sent reliably through MQTT and the acknowledgement message being received.

Agent debug trace showing the command being received reliably through MQTT and the acknowledgement message being sent back and the action being launched (switching to room frm).

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Short demo of our central repeater management utility.
Version 0.1 almost ready to ship.

With the growth of the regional repeater network, fellow hams asked for an easy way to control their repeaters. Here is version 0.1 of that product, which is able to manage a list of repeaters, then to send various commands (ping, change room, disconnect repeater, enable or disable repeater logic, reboot the system).

Next version will be shipped with proper privilege separation, group ACL management, and a few refinements.

Key moments:
0:00 Repeater agent running on our test stub. Network has just been cut, to show that connectivity loss can be recovered.
0:33 Repeater agent recovering its connection to the control segment.
0:39 Connecting to the management interface
0:44 Browsing through the repeater list.
0:49 Showing the repeater properties editor
1:05 Ping demo with our test laptop which is connected with user 'f4hof-s'. The UI shows a notification toast to confirm the "repeater" has acknowledged our command.
1:19 Changing conference room
1:34 Rebooting the remote system. Command hasn't been acked because the system rebooted too quickly. This will be fixed in the initial release. Please notice that the notification toast shows a warning as the command hasn't been confirmed.

Coming soon: remote control of analog repeaters through #Hamnet. cc @Fred F4EED/KI7QQP
Control plane uses MQTT, either in fire and forget mode, or with reliable delivery and explicit command acknowledgement. #hamr #hamradio

isithran reshared this.

The patriarchy is the reason you know the names Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk, but you've never even once heard the name Evelyn Berezin.

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isithran reshared this.


Just a little WIP from my messy workshop (should see the other half of the table). Got the idea for pride month, but will probably have them in a shop earlier. Now.. what flag to create next? :blobfoxhyper:

#MastoArt #3DPrinting #WIPWednesday #Fox

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Coming soon: remote control of analog repeaters through #Hamnet. cc @Fred F4EED/KI7QQP
Control plane uses MQTT, either in fire and forget mode, or with reliable delivery and explicit command acknowledgement. #hamr #hamradio
in reply to isithran

Version 1 will include reboot, disconnect, change module, ping and RF kill/restore commands, version 2 will allow remote config provisioning. #hamr #hamradio #hamnet

isithran reshared this.


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in reply to agatha, fangs gf 🎀

if you fail authentication enough you’re immediately put on the most delayed train in the DB network

Today in the mail:
楽園 − 石川セリ (1985, Philips 32LD-45)


Someone linked me to this site, and it has like, an entire book on finite field arithmetic.

Love discovering old internet monoliths like this