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isithran reshared this.

She’s just like me fr fr (exception have no one to cuddle :neocat_cry: )

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isithran reshared this.

If you are aged 30 or more, then 50% of all human fossil fuel emissions happened during your lifetime. (by Neil Kaye)

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Today in the mail: Frieren Beyond Journey's end Original Soundtrack (THCA-60920)

isithran reshared this.

mlemcpy: libc routine for duplicating a pupper

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isithran reshared this.

Last orders!!

#Zilog is going to end #Z80 production. 😔

#8Bit #RetroComputing

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isithran reshared this.

Thinking about webrings again, gotta convince my friends to form one

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in reply to aki-nyan F4GRX Sébastien reshared this.

Not kidding btw, if you're a mutual and interested in this hit me up, if we can get a few people and knock out the details it would be fun,

This may be that I'm living under a rock, but I've found out recently there is an initiative to test DIY HRT sources 🔗HRT Source Testing

Today in the mail 🐱 💿💨
Starship Operators Original Soundtrack, Kenji Kawai (GNCA-1045)
( I wish they did a bluray release for that TV series :3 )

isithran reshared this.

Sword of Damocles free #knitting pattern by Grace Lindley. This knit tapestry is brilliant. If you ever felt your #WIPs or to-do list were hanging over you like the Sword of Damocles, you can manifest it by knitting this double knit work of art. (This is not my work but a free pattern I found and wanted to share)
Link to free knitting pattern

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isithran reshared this.

Finally made it to the @connections and woah, there’s a lot happening in there - tons of things to see and noise! Had a lovely tour through their aisles and aisles worth of equipment, and got to say hi to a few of the volunteers there too - we could have spent hours there omg ​:trans_nya:

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isithran reshared this.

no centralised social network could ever produce "the taliban deleted my account". that's a mastodon special.

isithran reshared this.

This evening I'm reverse engineering my smoke detectors audio status thingy (audiolink). It has information like battery status, dust, power fault count

isithran reshared this.

in reply to xssfox :blobhaj_hearttrans:

is it a fast dtmf? (Can also be called Ademco or ContactID) That’s what I’ve seen in alarm panels and medical alarms.

isithran reshared this.

@johnvoorhees's breakdown of Apple's response to the DMA on MacStories is a must-read, especially if you've had a hard time understanding all the ramifications of Apple's policy changes in the EU.

isithran reshared this.

in reply to Niléane

Interesting regarding the scoping. I’ve lived in Germany for over a decade though still have a UK Apple ID for purchases so assumed I’d be out, but it sounds like that may not be the case.

isithran reshared this.

Cryptography engineers are a group of people that really wish you would stop using RSA before they have to publicly admit they don't know how to pronounce Bleichenbacher when they find a padding oracle attack in your code.

isithran reshared this.

isithran reshared this.

Narrator voice: "When threatened, the lithium-ion battery can expand up to twice its usual size"

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isithran reshared this.

Learn how QR codes work, and how to read them without a computer!

@piko and I just released the interactive explainer that we used in our workshop at #37c3!

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isithran reshared this.

New blog post: An update about my Rust implementation of Galileo OSNMA. OSNMA is a protocol, currently in test, used to authenticate cryptographically the data in the Galileo EU GNSS. Two years ago I published a Rust implementation of this protocol.

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in reply to Daniel Estévez

In December 2023 there was a public key revocation exercise as part of the system tests. I have recorded and published the data, and report on what happened and how my software processes the scenario correctly.
in reply to Daniel Estévez loic_fejoz reshared this.

Finally, I give an overview of the state of open-source OSNMA implementations. All other implementations I've found are in Python (not suitable for embedded microcontrollers) and under a copyleft license (or no license). So my galileo-osnma implementation in Rust with MIT + Apache license still occupies a singular position.

Read more:

isithran reshared this.

Déjà un an que mon manuel de survie des femmes dans la tech a été publié o
Il est toujours d'actualité, comme il l'était déjà il y a dix ans. Nous avons tous et toutes une part à jouer dedans.

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Full AACSess: Exposing and exploiting AACSv2 UHD DRM for your viewing pleasure

isithran reshared this.

technically, an ordinary UART qualifies as a 8b10b line code

isithran reshared this.

isithran reshared this.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

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in reply to Soatok Dreamseeker

Content warning: more asshole-ish responce to security researchers

in reply to Orca🌻 | 🏴🏳️‍⚧️

Content warning: re: more asshole-ish responce to security researchers

isithran reshared this.

this is my legacy

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Apparently, the Friendica 2FA token issue where you couldn't be logged in on multiple trusted browsers at the same time has finally been fixed (^_^)

polprog68k reshared this.

Today's discovery: YUView, a cross-platform YUV player with advanced analysis features 💜

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in reply to isithran

This looks pretty good, although I haven't quite yet figured out how it works.

I used to use Video Analyzer to explain video codecs to students, but it's unmaintained for 7 years, it also doesn't let you load just any video (needs a h265 yuv stream)

I found it slightly easier to get to the parts I want to explain (blocks, motion vectors), maybe it's also interesting to you.

You can see me using it here starting at 15:40 (german, sorry)

Wishing all the best for this new year, y'all 🐾✨

isithran reshared this.

Signal fault on the sushi train lines

isithran reshared this.

Honestly, it's too sad the E.600-E.649 rec series are assigned to such an obscure subject as traffic engineering, because I'd have loved to witness the chaos caused by the allocation of Rec E.621 😼

Et c'est parti pour la saison des SMS d'arnaque au dédouanement. Pour suivre/dédouaner un colis, ne suivez pas le lien dans le SMS, copiez-collez le n° de suivi de votre colis sur la page de votre société de transport.

Line cards/modules I decommissioned not so long ago :3

F4GRX Sébastien reshared this.

I think I'm holding on something decent for the architecture of Hamnet access networks to enable roaming /P prefixes.

isithran reshared this.

Understanding the internals of #Rust and learn how Rust code maps to assembly

#rustlang #reverseengineering

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TIFO the Arduino Ethernet library performs unbuffered byte-by-byte transfers when you're using print() and println(), leading to unreasonably increased turnaround count. I'll need to dig in the library's code, to check why, and I'll probably make a bug report.

This doesn't happen when using write() with an explicit buffer length, though.

"2 text/gemini\r" is written using println(), and the page content with write( void*, size_t).

in reply to isithran

Ok, apparently, print and println are inherited by the stream class, which explains why the write is unbuffered. Next, I'll need to check if I can do a zero-copy write() from flash, otherwise, I'll do a buffered write().

Tavi reshared this.

I wrote a spartan server that runs on an arduino uno w/ an Ethernet shield. Go check spartan:// with a client like Lagrange.

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isithran reshared this.


Pictured: Apple's M2 MacBook Air 13" speaker response (measured with a mic), and the response you get when you zero out every 128th sample of a sine sweep.

They have a stupid off-by-one bug in the middle of their bass enhancer AND NOBODY NOTICED NOR FIXED IT IN OVER A YEAR.

So instead of this (for a 128-sample block size):

for (int sample = 0; sample <= 127; sample++)<br>    // process sample<br>

They did this:
for (int sample = 0; sample < 127; sample++)<br>    // process sample<br>

Legendary audio engineering there Apple.

We can now, very confidently say the audio quality of Asahi Linux will be better than Apple's. Because we don't have blatant, in your face off-by-one bugs in our DSP and we actually check the output to make sure it's good 😂​

FFS, and people praise them for audio quality. I get it, the bar is so low it's buried underground for just about every other laptop, but come on...

Edit: replaced gif with video because Mastodon is choking on the animation duration...

Edit 2: Update below; I can repro this across a large range of versions on this machine but none of the other models I've tried so far. It is definitely a bug, very very obvious to the ear, and seems unique to this machine model.

Edit 3: Still there in Sonoma, this is a current bug.

This entry was edited (7 months ago)

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in reply to Hector Martin

Not fine broken too!
I first used 300 HZ like in your text.
If I use the 270 Hz like you did in the video it’s very noticeable distorted too.

plays fine on my M2 MacBook Air 13“ with Sonoma 14.0
Found the very same website tone generator you used.
MBAir plays the same like iPad and not as distorted like in your video - maybe it is an “not all Models” Problem if some hw parts?

Use 270 HZ not 300 Hz to test.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

isithran reshared this.

This website is beautiful ✿✿
Deux Fleurs is a non profit organization providing hosting without data centers. They are using old computers at home in France, using open source technologies.

This entry was edited (8 months ago)

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40 years ago, DAICON IV (the 4th Osaka Japan SF Convention) opened with the screening of the following short animation film.

The team who produced that short would become later GAINAX, after Bandai noticed and financed them to produce Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise.

isithran reshared this.

Patch submitted to the #Linux kernel by a four-year-old girl🤠

isithran reshared this.

"I was thinking a Demon Core fondue pot would be good decor for a science-theme Halloween party."

isithran reshared this.